What size dumpster rental do I need?

A 12 yard dumpster can hold the amount of junk equivalent to the size of a mid sized car. The bed of a full sized pick up truck 4' x 8' loaded 3 feet high = 3.5 cubic yard.

What are the dimensions of your dumpster rentals?

  • 12 yard dumpsters: 20' L X 8' W X 2.5' H Roll Off  (approximate dimensions)
  • 20 yard dumpsters: 20' L X 8' W X 5' H    Roll Off  (approximate dimensions)
  • 30 yard dumpsters: 20' L X 8' W X 6' H    Roll Off  (approximate dimensions)

What are the dumpster rental disposal restrictions?

Please do not place any hazardous materials or electronics in your Madison, Janesville, Fitchburg, Sun Prairie, or Wisconsin Dells dumpster rental. This includes:

  • Lead acid batteries
  • Fluorescent lamps
  • Asbestos
  • Gas, Oil
  • Any Liquids
  • Wet paint
  • Radioactive waste
  • Medical waste
  • Flammable or explosive material
  • Large appliances
  • Tires
  • Computers (desktop, laptop, notebook, tablet computers)
  • Desktop printers (including those that scan, fax, and/or copy)
  • Computer monitors
  • Computer accessories (keyboards, mice, speakers, external hard drives, flash drives)
  • DVD players
  • VCRs
  • Other video players (i.e. DVRs)
  • Fax machines
  • Cell phones

Please contact your local dump and recycling center for information about how to properly dispose of these items.

What is the Madison dumpster rental service area?

Our Madison dumpster rentals are available throughout Madison and Dane County, including Baraboo, Lodi, Prairie du Sac, Sauk City, Dane, Mazomanie, Waunakee, Windsor, DeForest, Columbus, Sun Prairie, Waterloo, Cottage Grove, Black Earth, Cross Plains, Middleton, Monona, Deerfield, Evansville, Edgerton, Whitewater, Milton, Brodhead, Janesville, and more.

Approximate Service Area:

Garbage Bin Service Areas Wisconsin

When will my Wisconsin dumpster rental be delivered?

Please allow 24 hours for delivery of your Madison dumpster rental. Call us at 608-438-5174 to arrange a Saturday delivery.

When will my Wisconsin dumpster rental be picked up?

Dumpsters will automatically be removed after 14 days. If you are finished with your dumpster before the 14 day period please contact us for removal.  $27 per day over 14 day period. Allow 24 hours for pick up after contacting us.

What Size Rental Dumpster Do I Need for My Roofing Project?

This depends on how big of a roofing project you're undertaking. Fortunately, Madison Dumpster rental can help you select the correct size for your roofing work.

What are rules and requirements for placing my Wisconsin dumpster rental on the street?

Please contact your city hall for requirements out side of the city of Madison.

Can I put concrete / asphalt in my dumpster rental?

Limited amounts of concrete, asphalt and dirt can be loaded into your dumpster.  Please call before ordering. Dumpsters for concrete "only" are available at a lower cost due to recycling. If the dumpsters contain only concrete there is no tonnage cap.

How will I know if my Wisconsin dumpster rental will fit in my driveway or property?

Electrical and telephone wires need to be at least 14' high for dumpster and lugger deliveries.

See Dumpster Dimensions to determine which size will best fit on your property.

What damage will my driveway or property experience with the delivery of my Wisconsin dumpster rental?

We recommend protecting your driveway by placing three 8' 2x6' boards in the delivery area. Place the boards out in the general area and we will carefully place the dumpster on the boards for you. The contractor or sales agent shall not be responsible for damage to any private pavement or accompanying subsurface such as lawn, concrete, asphalt, or any route reasonably necessary to perform the services herein contracted.

What is the weight limit of the Madison dumpster rental?

There is a 10 ton limit on every dumpster size.

Dumpster Service for these Cities and Everywhere in Between:

Rent a dumpster for Madison and all of Dane County.

Rent a dumpster by ordering online and save $20.
Madison renta del contenedor de basura.
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